Sunday, April 13, 2014

Why not look for MH370 where it might be found?

Why not look for MH370 where it might be found?

Now that the massive search for the plane in the Indian Ocean has failed perhaps returning to the known facts might be in order.

The search location was based on misinformation supplied by Inmarsat and their conclusions were not publically challenged.

A few scientists including myself and Duncan Steel , among others, have questioned the validity of their data, but we have been unable to penetrate the wall of conventional wisdom and mass hysteria.

I feel like the child in the parable of the naked emperor. 

At this late date it is possible that flight MH370 will never be found, but if it is found it will be on land most likely on the northern coast of Australia or near the coast in Somalia, Yemen, Oman, Iran, or Pakistan.   

Why not look there?

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