Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Why has Inmarsat refused to release the data showing that MH370 flew on a circular arc about the satellite???

Why has Inmarsat refused to release the data showing that MH370 flew on a circular arc about the satellite???

“The plane automatically sent a brief signal — a "ping" — every hour to a satellite belonging to Inmarsat, a British company, even after other communication systems shut down. The pings indicated that the jet kept flying for seven hours after its last radar contact.

Inmarsat was able to calculate two long arcs indicating where the plane might have flown.”

They admitted that the system used was not designed for this purpose and had never before been used to determine distance between satellite and airplane.

But how did they do that calculation and what was the precision???

What was really observed was that the plane travelled for 7 hours with no detectable variation in the distance between the airplane and the satellite.  No data have been provided about the expected accuracy and precision of this purported measurement.

This conclusion ignored the possibility that the purported distance measurement between the plane and the satellite lacked sufficient precision to provide any believable information about the flight path of the airplane. 

A number of competent scientists have examined the Doppler data that was released and have been unable to confirm the southern path stated by Inmarsat. See
TMF Associates MSS blog <understanding the satellite ping conclusion>
The data on measured transit time for signals between satellite and MH370 at each detected ping must be released immediately if  Inmarsat hopes to maintain any credibility.

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